Why Sliding Scale?
Massage therapy should not be a luxury. I believe everyone deserves access to healthcare and with massage & bodywork therapy contributing greatly to our overall wellness, you also deserve therapeutic touch.
While our current capitalist systems of power and privilege determine financial access and value based on race, ability, perceived gender, sexuality, and many other identities, not everyone can or should pay the same price for a bodywork session.
A sliding scale is used to encourage people to pay according to their available resources. Those with greater financial privilege contribute more, allowing those with less access to pay what they can comfortably afford. Supporting each other in such an honest and vulnerable way allows me to meet folks committed to their healing where they are while also honoring my work .
If you’re unsure how to choose what to pay the following chart may be helpful for better understanding financial privilege and experience and where you may land within the sliding scale:
**Basic needs include food, housing, and transportation.
**Expendable income might mean you can buy coffee at a shop, purchase new clothes, go to a show, etc. each month.
The Green Bottle was designed by community healing practitioner and astroherbalist Alexis J. Cunningfolk. Read more in her blog post, “The Sliding Scale: A Tool of Economic Justice.”