Grown With Love

My name is Emily. I care about the earth. I care about people. We all share this miraculously life-supporting planet and I feel called to do what I can to support her and each other. 

For those who have followed Adam and I since the birth of Mighty Tendril Farm in 2014, supported us from Staley to Cedar Grove and at all our sales outlets in between, I wanted to share this update.

For the past few years I’ve been dealing with post-concussion syndrome and long-covid symptoms that flare up most in response to exertion and heat. A tough combination for a farmer in the South.

When Adam decided to step away from farming I knew the way the farm functions would need to radically change to be able to keep growing here.

I still love sharing the beauty and the bounty from this magical place, I’m still in love with the rhythms of growing food and flowers while stewarding land through the seasons, I still want to feed the earth and our community, and there will be flowers again.

Since returning from massage school my partner Jesse and I have been taking the time to clean up the farm and let the soil rest. The blueberries, blackberries, figs, apples, and pawpaws, the perennial blooms and all the volunteer flowers along the way have grounded me through this transition. And I want to share them with you.

When we’re ready we’d love to invite you out for U-pick fruits and flowers, farmstand, workshops, campouts, shared garden spaces…we’re dreaming and scheming and we’d love for you to be a part of it.